Will our world come tumbling down?


New Lows

Getting kinda tired of some who just can't seem to think or something. I would say it to be more of like 'surprising boredom'.

PW ends in around 2 weeks time. After which, if i'm not wrong is the ominously dubbed 'holiday lectures', which i doubt anyone is looking forward to since the school can't seem to stop rushing through the syllabus such that we can have more quote-unquote revision time. But, what's the use of having more revision time if at first we don't understand the content well/perfectly?

Personally, i don't get whats the thing with the media's constant obsession with Ris Low, which often results in new entries for the English,

I meant Singlish dictionary. On one hand, they have gotten too far. On the other, she has.

I don't really get why people use her words so much when they themselves mocked her so much. Somewhat hypocritical, IMO, unless they are mocking her, in which case is a joke which has outlived its purpose and comedic appeal.


A beautiful disaster

OP dry run was a beautiful disaster.

The group was more or less, totally unprepared for the majority, and the slides had not much of coherence. Q & A was not that good, i had like a pause for eternity just trying to think of something to say.

First run?

Think again. The real OP is next friday. Yes. First day. One of the first groups. Moderators coming? Unknown. Prepared? Not really.

And whats more theres still I & R, which i am totally clueless about. Thanks for canceling PW lecture last minute.

Though, gotta admit. The impending end to PW is near. In around 2 more weeks. We will be free like the birds in India, freed from the cages of men to allegedly bring them luck.

And after that; what's to come?

More tennis? 'Enrichment/Supplementary' lessons?



WR due tomorrow!

Editing like crazy!

Cutting word count like crazy!

Hiatus until saturday like crazy!


Skeletons in the closet

Went to the dentist yesterday, which was the first checkup since sec 3. Checked awhile and the dentist said that she needed to do 6 fillings. Yes. No typo.


There was also some cleaning by the dentist. Sparkly clean i suppose.

So after all the pain and suffering experienced by my darling molars, i went home with a sore throat. And i could hardly sleep at night. And when i woke up this morning i felt like crap. Went to school in the morning and had some degree of flue - runny nose and the sort. Then decided to see a doctor at night. He told me that it was the drilling from the teeth filling that caused the germs to 'fly' into my throat, causing the 'redness' he sees in my throat.

So much for customs and spot checks.



I must resist the temptation.



OP is about to start soon. In a few months time.

WR is going to be due soon. This Friday.

I am going to (title) at end of the year.


Post Promo Activity: WR

Had a maths lecture at 10:25, but school started at 7:30.

My group decided to chiong WR before then, chiong chiong chiong. After 2 periods of maths lecture, chiong again. All the way until around 1+PM, where i decided to stay to do WR whilst they went off to interview someone (Cos we changed proposals). 30 mins later, they returned, and said they weren't able to interview that guy cause, apparently, we didn't follow protocol. The irony is that we have been waiting for a reply to our email for several days already.

When they came back, i found out i wasn't able to save the edited draft! 30mins of hard work gone down the drain. Was so scared that what i edited would all be gone, but found out only later that it was the references section which was not there. Lucky i had copied it to somewhere else already.

Was seriously a mad rush since our ST just returned us our previous draft around 2-3 days ago. Adding to that, Monday is a holiday in lieu, and our WR file isn't small enough to be sent through email, which just had to finish it by today.

To all those with Promos finished - Have fun, while you still can.


"Under the sea~" - Not.

Official results for Promos.

GP - 61/100 (B)
H2 Maths - 62/100 (B)
H2 Econs - 55/100 (C)
H2 History - 58/100 (C)
H1 Eng. Lit - 58/100 (C)

Its funny how the two papers i got today were of the exact same mark - History and Lit. And whats even more interesting is the trend of the marks for my history essays (4 in total). First essay, 16. Second, 15. Third, 14. Fourth, 13.

And of course, these results are not moderated.


Complications of the mind

Our PW ST broke the news to our group that we would be one of the first few groups to present. First few as in 1st or 2nd one.

How great. Its a freaking double edged sword.

And if MOE accessors come down, oh great. Goodbye 10 points!




Thinking about it, life is just one haven for the paradox enthusiast.


No papers today. Will only get all by thursday.

Will be getting back maths tomorrow, heard a particular class had half of them with As.


Get out of my life.

I know, for a fact, that being the extreme psychopathic stalker that you are, you are 99.99993% reading my blog. I WILL, for a fact, throw a thousand criticisms at you if you continue attempting to communicate with just one more time, i will personally and dutifully list them all down here. I don't give a damn shit about any feelings then.

Everyone has a tipping point. We can be a dormant volcano for one minute, and the next, we can blow up magma and ash into the sky. We can cause cataclysmic flows, scorching everything in our path. Pathetic fallacy, if I'm not wrong about it.

My advise?

Read the title. Once. Twice. Thrice. Hundreds, thousands of millions of minds. Have those 5 golden words etched in that goddamned block of a brain you have that takes a power drill to get something carved onto it.

Do not even reply. Do not even react. Do not even think.

P.S. To the rest out there, no prizes for guessing who this is. Though you may confirm in private conversations the 'Mysterious' (yes its sarcastic) identity of this pathetic excuse of a human being. :)


Tomorrow's the day.

Its the start of a series of days.

Whereby we get our Promo Papers back.

And I'm just waiting for someone to say something similar to this - "So you think you can fufill the promotion criterion? Think again."


Building a house

It can take a 100 men to build a house, but one man can bring it down.

Be it,

A spark of insanity.

A rash instant.

A day of overwhelming self-confidence.

One man is all it takes.

The arsonist is moving.


There is a crack in the hourglass

Because someone decided to take a hammer and crack it.

Or maybe two.

Or maybe three.

Who knows, maybe four, or five, or six!

And each grain slowly gets carried away by the wind, until there is none left.



Its finally over!

Promos are history!

Maths was easy except for the application of differentiation question. Didn't really understand why people were complaining about it when they set it to be so easy.

Now only time will tell as to how many will be left in class next year. I hope its still the same. Though for some, I'll admit it is looking bleak.


∫ ∑ π √ µ ≤ ≥

Guess the paper


After 3 hours of pain,

I declare hiatus over! Well, i guess it wasn't really there in the first place.

Had to write 4 essays in 3 hours. Yup. One every 45 mins if you take the average. No breaks, no nothing. 3 hours straight. My newly refilled pen ran out of ink after the exam. That was pretty much the same for econs essay + case study.

Not only do exams waste paper but they waste ink as well.

We should really move into the 21st Century.


∑ r from r=1 to 4

Econs and Lit over. And i realised quite a disturbing pattern.

GP - 1 Essay
Lit - 2 Essays
Econs - 3 Essays
History (tomorrow) - 4 Essays

Seems like an A.P to me.

Anyway felt that so far the papers were okay, though had a bit of screw ups here and there, i think i should be fine, hopefully.