Will our world come tumbling down?


Day 24

Day 24

Went to Sushi Tei for dinner. Lol ordered so much tempura that at last had to force some of it down. Argh damn tired.

Bought new shorts and shirt for new year, practically green and black lol.

Lately i have been quite immersed in some old songs, which fall in the blues genre, some of which come from 1940s. What can i say, they are really nice.

I've been inspired by a magazine i saw today, and i'm gonna list out some of the best (and worst) movies i have seen this year.

Worst Movies

1) Babylon A.D - sorry, the plot made no sense to me. The only thing that sparked any (if at all) interest in me was when one car crashed into a divider on a high speed chase.

2) Feet Unbound - Screw this movie. Forced by Chinese department to watch it, didnt really catch my attention except from one part when an old lady said "F**k your mother"

3) The Coffin - I was laughing through this one. Again, senseless plot, and super cliched scenes of horror. A comedic show in my opinion.

4) Madagascar 2 - i know some of you might disagree, but i felt that it was too "happily-ever-after disney style ending" and storyline. Sometimes, i just knew what was going to happen.

O.K movies

1) Money Not Enough 2 - Some dry humor, but the beginning was what caught my eye, Hokkien version of a community song? Oh yes please!

2) Wall-E - Innovative. Great plot, some fresh jokes.

3) Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Some parts needed brushing up, like certain fight scenes, what the hell is Mr Kenobi doing? Though, other scenes were filled with (some) suspense and there were a few great fighting scenes.

Best movie!

The Dark Knight - Great acting by the late Heath Leadger, Illustrious character of the Joker. Anyone disagree and i will smack your head into a pencil and make you smile. Forever.