Will our world come tumbling down?


Just what happened?

This isn't supposed to happen.

I did not work like a fucking prisoner of war last year to end up with this.
I did not work to die; I was working to see another day.

I did not put with all the sloppy shit last year to end up with this.
I put up with all those crap to make everything presentable.

"In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

Whatever happened to the love i made?
Where is it now?

One does not put with so much shit with so much effort and get none of the extra effort back.
Whatever happened to karma?
Whatever happened to equality?

And what I can only do now is to harp on the past: Was it the topic? Was it me? Was it them?

I've been bombarded by "Cheer up" texts, tweets and what not. Get this straight: I'm not depressed. I'm not going suicidal, like my medicine may help to promote. Its just that, i don't comprehend the situation: How could this have happened? Whatever went wrong? Whatever happened?

Now i sit, in a corner, lonely and dark. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking...:

'Just what happened?'