Will our world come tumbling down?



Funny how one such word can conjure up so many emotions.
Be it memories which make us smile, cry, or even burst into anger, all of them fundamentally originate from that one word.

Funny how 1-2 years can seem as an eternity.
How so many things can be stored in that particular period of time.

Funny how people choose to lock down their memories.
As if they are afraid of the buzzing media chasing down their necks.
And any mention of it gives birth to endless streams of sweat down their neck.

Funny, how we came, saw and conquered our differences.

Funny were the challenges which we overcame.

Fun was the time we spent together.

Funny how you just tossed me out of your brain.
How your senses tell you not to do anything. How your perceptions tell you to do what you think is right.

Funny, how you became an outright bastard because of one little incident.

Funny, how i still choose to remember you by writing about you.
Shouldn't I just toss you out like trash?

Who gets the last laugh?